Open Redirection into Bentley System
Hello, Hackers Welcome to another write-up where I have shared a scenario of Open Redirection…

Let's understand what is open redirection vulnerability:
An Open Redirection is when a web application or server uses a user-submitted link to redirect the user to a given website or page. Even though it seems like a harmless action, to let a user decide on which page he wants to be redirected to if exploited such a technique can have a serious impact, especially when combined with other vulnerabilities and tricks.
During my testing, I discovered a subdomain and I just search on google but was not able to find anything….:(

I just open paramspider and fuzz for parameters suddenly I came out with one parameter which is post redirect URI path which is vulnerable to open redirection.
Affected Uri:- *
post_logout_redirect_uri= is vulnerable
Understand the impact of open redirection
A user will be triggered by XSS attacks.
Phishing Attack.
Shared a Video Proof of Concept where you’ll be able to understand the attack.
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